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Sunday, April 12, 2020

They Told Me To Write (2 versions)

They Told Me To Write
Jessica M.

They told me to write
That maybe the void in me
Would speak into the darkness,
So I slashed my palm and took my pen
Because it has to be done in blood,
They say,
And in rhyme and meter.
And there are these things called feet
But they aren’t feet
Because in poetry, nothing is what it is,
But all symbols and imagery.
It has to come from a dark place,
They say,
And it must be done in one sitting
Crystallized hard and clear and perfect,
And if it doesn’t reflect the sun
And the stars
And your heart
And your pain
And the bleeding of the world,
It doesn’t count.
But I’m just trying to make it rhyme.

They Told Me To Write (Version 2)

They told me to write
Poetry, so that maybe
The void within me

Would speak in darkness.
So I slash my palm and I
Take my pen and I

Write, because it must
Be done in blood, they say, in
Rhyme and rhythm; when

Words aren’t themselves, it’s
Poetry--nothing is what
It is, but it’s all

Symbols, imagery.
It must come from a dark place
They say, and you race

To write with no stops.
Crystallized, hard, clear, perfect,
Poetry reflects,

Perfectly, the sun
And the stars, your heart, your chains,
The world and its pain,

Or it doesn’t count.
My hand bleeds for a long time,

I must start with rhyme.

Which version did you like better?

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